Ankle Orthopaedic Test: Kleiger's Test orthopaedic tests May 24, 2023

Kleiger's test is a physical examination technique used to assess for a high ankle sprain or syndesmotic injury. Here are the steps to perform Kleiger's test:

1. Have the patient sit on the examination table with their legs hanging over the edge.
2. Grasp the patient's foot with one hand and their...

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Ankle Orthopaedic Test: Impingement sign ankle orthopaedic tests May 24, 2023

The Impingement sign ankle test is a physical examination technique used to diagnose ankle impingement syndrome. Ankle impingement syndrome occurs when soft tissue or bony structures in the ankle joint become compressed, resulting in pain and limited mobility. This condition is common in...

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Ankle Orthopaedic Test: Eversion Stress Test orthopaedic tests May 24, 2023

The eversion stress test is a physical examination technique used to assess the stability of the ankle joint, particularly the deltoid ligament. Here are the steps to perform the eversion stress test:

1. Have the patient lie down on their back with their knee bent and their foot flat on the...

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Ankle Orthopaedic Test: Anterior Drawer of the Ankle orthopaedic tests May 24, 2023

The anterior drawer test is a physical examination technique used to evaluate the stability of the ankle joint, specifically the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). 

1. Have the patient lie down on their back with their knee bent and their foot flat on the examination table.

2. Grasp the...

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